Monday, December 5, 2011

Project: Get This House in Order! Part 2

Just to review, this is a blog post of many that will document my continued battle housekeeping. Last month, November 2011, I decided the get my house in order and create an atmosphere of peace and harmony for my family to live in and for myself to work in as owner of LC Mills, Inc.

So here's a list of thoughts, ideas, or systems I've put into place to help me in my mission to get my home in order:
  1. Begin a system of daily routine. Although I may fail to do all of this all the time, just having the system in place makes a difference.
    • Unload dishwasher
    • Do a load of laundry
    • Load dishwasher throughout the day
    • Reboot laundry into dryer
    • Start dishwasher at night
    • Fold and put away laundry at night
  2. I've started a behavior chart for the boys. Teaching them to, at the very least, pick up and put away their toys and dirty clothes has been a easy. They enjoy using the chart and earning a prize from the treasure box.
  3. Implement PICK UP AS YOU PASS. As I move from room to room throughout my day, If there is something in the wrong place, I pick it up as I pass and put it in it's place. You would be amazed at the difference in my home just by doing that.
Today's new practice is to stop the negative thinking. I will practice acknowledging my negative thoughts and changing them.

Again, this morning, I purposely woke up late. My alarm was set for 6:00am and as I set it last night I knew I wouldn't be getting up before 6:30am. That is, if the boys don't get up before I do.  If everything ran smoothly and the boys did everything I told them to when I told them to do it, Sampson might just make it to Chapel on time before his Pre-K class actually starts.

With this in mind, I rushed Sampson and Wyatt to get dressed and felt myself become frustrated when they didn't move as fast as I thought they should. I began to raise my voice and make threats. This is just another example of how I set myself up for failure. But this time I caught myself and I've noticed that I'm becoming more and more attentive to my behavior.

When I began to see what I was doing, I said within my mind, "Take your time. Do what you can do. The boys are more important than the clock and it's your fault we're running late anyway." Because I did not prepare, I was tempted to ruin the morning just out of my frustration. That's not fair to my children or to myself. It's all about how you think. When you start having negative thoughts, acknowledge them and correct them. I'm my own worst enemy but when I discipline myself, I'm my own best friend. My spirits are lifted, my attitude is brighter, and I enjoy the smallest things with my family.

I know my boys will remember the times I fall short and have my "grumpy pants" on. But I hope they'll also remember how much I love them and how hard I try to better myself for their benefit. I don't want them to look back on their childhoods and recall how grouchy their mother was all the time.

Jesus, I ask that you help me to be gracefully in my times of frustation. Help me to see and acknowledge my negative thoughts or behaviors, and help me change them. Let me love my children as you love us, because you gave your life for our peace and salvation. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen

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