Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dying in the Happy Place

 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." ~Matthew 25:35

Amidst all the running around, cooking, cleaning, and grumbling I did during our family's Thanksgiving week, there were quiet moments. And for some reason my mind kept thinking of those less fortunate than myself. These were not just mere images of people floating through my brain with blank faces living far away from me. These were friends, family, and neighbors. Then my mind went further. There are more than just these that I know. They have faces, they have pain, and they are in need. Children fatherless, sick, abused, and neglected. The elderly cast off and despised. The poor hungry and ignored. But because my life is so busy, it's easy to avoid these uncomfortable thoughts and keep my mind in it's "happy place".

My happy place is comfortable, secure, neat, tidy, and utterly meaningless. To ignore the pain of others, to ignore the sufferings of this world you become a prisioner in your own mind, never truly living life to it's fullest and sharing your talents. I guess it would be easy to simply die in that place. Death, to me, would be having lived and yet not fulfilling my calling. We are called to love, to help, and to share the gospel.

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed." ~Luke 4:18

More than anything I hope that somehow I can teach my children to love. I want them to love others as God does and be willing to help those in need even when it's inconvenient for them. Even if the need is so small and they know there won't be a "big marching band" announcing their good deed. I need them to understand that whether it's helping someone move, fixing someone's TV, visiting the sick, or simply picking up a few extra groceries for someone else, whatever the need - show love by helping. The only way I can ensure that they learn these things, is to do them myself. I don't want my life or my children's lives to be lived in vain.

When we offer our support to others, we offer love. We are actually offering Jesus and his plan of salvation. We are giving peace, healing wounds, and lifting up the Christ's kingdom.

"Jesus answered, If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'" ~Matthew 19:21

Recognize and change.

Most of us are busy with our own lives and are just trying to make each day productive. But have we taken the time to search ourselves just to make sure our hearts are right? Do we grumble when we are asked to help someone with the tiniest of chores? Do we try to avoid hearing about the needs of others because it threatens to disrupt our "happy place"?

Jesus, search me. Let me see myself as you see me. Let me not be blinded to my faults, sins, and wavering. I want to see myself the way You see me so that I might recognize my sin and change it. Make my motives and intentions pure. In Jesus' name.

Get Involved.

If you're looking for a way to help the needy but you're just not sure what path to take, let me end this article with just a few pieces of advice.

  • First of all, World Vision  is an organization that my husband and myself support. We sponsor a little girl who is 4 years old, the same age as my oldest son, Sampson. World Vision believes "the best way to change the lives of children is to change the world in which they live. And the best way to change their world is to foster self-sufficiency within their communities." We've never been so proud to be a part of something as we are this organization. Visit their site and see how you can sponsor a child and help strengthen their community.  http://www.worldvision.org/
  • Secondly, use tools from the Internet like google or Facebook to get informed about what's going on in your local area. Find out where you can volunteer.
  • Your home church is another great place to find way to help. Get with the church staff and let them know that you have a heart to help and ask where you are needed.
  • Lastly, change your mindset. Live your life to please God and to serve others for His name sake. Opportunities will simply come your way and be careful not to dismiss them. Let God direct your path and listen to His voice by staying in the Word and in constant prayer.
Let me know what you think. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Project: Get This House in Order!

I recently posted a "note" on my facebook profile about my intention to gain control over my cluttered and disorganized home. I've come to realize that maybe continuing this journey through my blog might be a better way of updating and following my progress. So here's a copy of the Facebook note:

"There are many women out there who have no problem keeping their homes clean and organized for the most part. They know where things are and have a game plan each day to make sure things run smoothly. I am not one of these women. Our home is our family's refuge and is sacred. Having a disorganized home affects the way I feel about myself and everything around me. I find myself snapping at my children more, being impatient, and resenting my husband for the smallest most irrelevant things. It's an open door for Satan to attack you and your family. God wants our homes (spiritually and physically) to be in order. So...

I've made a decision! One that I have no choice but to stick with. Call it an early new year's resolution. But by this time next year...MY HOME WILL BE IN ORDER. My goal December 1, 2012. Some people may laugh at the idea of my needing a year to get my house together but let 'em laugh! I'm making a reachable goal for myself because I don't want to crash and burn. I'm hoping I get it where I want it before this date. :D

There is criteria to be met that will confirm my home is in order. I will write this down once I decide what that is. :)
I plan to take pictures as I progress through this mission of mine. Before and after. (Mostly after...LOL!)

Also, I will come up with routines that will help establish order as well. (http://www.flylady.com/) Flylady will help me with this.

Lastly, I will occasionally be asking questions and seeking advice from all my friends on Facebook. I would appreciate your responses and I'm excited to find out your secrets!

Well, that's it. My first post about Project: Get this house in order! Wish me favor....not luck!"

Since posting this on Facebook I've started with my first routine. These three chores are what I try to focus during my mornings (among all the other things like changing diapers, dressing the boys, and making breakfast).
  • Unload the dishwasher: this helps to keep the counters and sink clean throughout the day. I run a cycle each night after dinner.
  • Wash and dry a load of clothes.
  • Fold and put away a load of clothes. (When I say "load" I mean just a basket full. No more.)
I plan to establish systems and routines through the year to make my home, business, and my life in general run smoothly. I want to enjoy this time in my life with my children and husband, not dread it. Having these routines in place will help me achieve this goal.